On the Cliffs

On the Cliff Guest House
( incl. bed and breakfast )

  View from guest house


From R550 - R800 pps

Superior suite R1100 pps

Hermanus is an hour and a half from Cape Town
and an hour from Airport



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Route Map

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About Hermanus

Whale breaching

Great white shark breaching

Penguins going down to the sea

Our beaches

Hermanus is usually pretty hot over this month with long days. It is ideal for the beach, surfing, sun bathing and boating. This is the season that anything goes with Hermanus being very full for the first 2 weeks and reasonably normal with space available the 2nd half of the month.

Hermanus is very hot for February. It is ideal for the beach, surfing, sun bathing and boating. People walk to dinner and home and generally just totally relax. Hermanus is reasonably full but it is better to book to avoid spending time looking for something.

Weather is moderating but still hot. It is still very hot but nights can be slightly cooler. Lots of dolphin activity and whales in the bay every day but not to close to the cliffs. Hermanus is moderately busy  and you will find accommodation . However, if you want on the sea front you should prebook.

We have seen whales almost every day. The humpback whales seem to have found a huge source of food in the bay and we watch them actively hunting from the house or cliff top. They seem to drive huge schools of fish to the surface which they eat but this attracts large numbers of sea birds which hover over the schools and then dive in, it looks like a waterfall when hundreds of birds peel off and dive intogether in a continuous flow. These schools of fish are also followed by predator fish like dolphins etc. We watch dolphins in their thousands speed past the front of the guest house on an almost daily basis. Orca's were also spotted off Gansbaai. Not a common visitor.   Accommodation is readily available but over the long weekends Hermanus is full. All the boats come out for fishing with the holiday homes being full. Lots of sun burnt people in Hermanus.


The most under rated month of the year.  Hermanus is empty, the weather is perfect and out of season rates apply. We spend our evenings going for long walks on the beach, having braai's or barbeques and enjoying the moment. The sun normally shines , cloudless days and no wind. This is the month to play golf. Fantastic.

The weather is more temperamental with the nights having a chill in the air and some days of strong wind and rain. This is when the big great white sharks start being seen again. We counted 24 whales in the bay so far with mating pods and some very new calves.

Weather somewhat cooler at night and early morning it can be as low as 8 degrees Celsius approx. Shark cage diving is in full swing with the big mommas visiting. We have had stunning warm days with no wind this year with just a few days of rain. We still barbeque it's so nice. This time of the year we get the big swells coming in as a front goes past and the crazy surfers hit town riding these monsters. It is scary stuff and the waves are enormous. I estimate about 7 to 9 meters. You watch from the cliffs as they surf straight onto the rocks below.

Weather still cooler with some windy days. Shark cage diving still very popular with the big great white sharks. Great white shark festival is held in Gaansbay. We still can have big seas as a front passes- usually takes about 3 days to pass fully. Lots of bird talks and events. We also have the wine festival for our local wines early on in August.

Spring and the weather can go anywhere from hot summer days to windy and rainy. The wind will usually last for 3 days at the most and then we have nice weather until the next cold front. Whales are here and start arriving in greater numbers. for the whale festival at the end of the month. The wild flower festival is held at Fernkloof Nature Reserve before the whale festival and is extremely popular and coincides with our Spring. The protea display is stunning and they can be seen all over flowering in the wild. There are mini indigenous gardens and nursery stands.

The whales are here in force and can be spotted from almost anywhere on the cliff paths. The weather still does the spring thing with some light rains but more settled than September. We go for drives and walks in the Cape Nature conservation areas where the flowers are blossoming and looking at them in their natural environment is just amazing. This is nature at it's best. Days getting longer again and we have already seen quite a few paragliders taking off from the hill behind us.  Please book accommodation Hermanus can be full so prebook accommodation.

Hermanus is very full and it is advisable to prebook accommodation. The whales are still here in numbers. Weather is great with some, but very few windy days. Paragliders seem to be active also over Hermanus taking off from the hills behind us. Probably because the wind blows in off the sea this time of the year.

The weather is great. Hermanus is quiet for the first 2 weeks and then bursts at the seems for the next 2 weeks from about the 15th. It is very vibrant but you can still have peace and quiet if you just walk past the crowds in the village center. The beaches are full but our main beach is so big you can always escape the crowds. It is burn time on the beach so please use sun block. Sun goes down about 8pm and comes up early- I guess about 5am. Still some whales in the bay - counted over 20 on the 15th from one spot. Friday before Christmas we have Christmas carols in the old harbor. The setting is stunning and a photographers dream.

42 Westcliff Road
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 28 313 2806
Mobile: 083 486 5253


Tourist travel assistance and
Distance Tables

Whale watching

Penguin colony

Great White Shark
